Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Happy Second Day of the Writing, 2018

…who could see at one

blick a saumon taken with a lance, hunters pursuing a doe, a

swallowship in full sail, a whyterobe lifting a host; faced flappery

like old King Cnut and turned his back like Cincinnatus; is a

farfar and morefar and a hoar father Nakedbucker in villas old as

new; squats aquart and cracks aquaint when it's flaggin in town

and on haven; blows whiskery around his summit but stehts

stout upon his footles; stutters fore he falls and goes mad entirely 

when he's waked; is Timb to the pearly mom and Tomb to the

mourning night; and an he had the best bunbaked bricks in bould 

Babylon for his pitching plays he'd be lost for the want of his 

wan wubblin wall?

    Answer: Finn MacCool! 

--Finnegans Wake

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