Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Happy Third Day of the Writing, 2020

Pantocracy.                                                                   Aun   
Bimutualism.                                                                 Do
Interchangeability.                                                        Tri
Naturality.                                                                     Car
Superfetation.                                                               Cush
Stabimobilism.                                                              Shay
Periodicity.                                                                    Shockt
Consummation.                                                            Ockt
Interpenetrativeness.                                                    Ni
Predicament.                                                                Geg
Balance of the factual                                                   
by the theoric 
Boox and Coox, Amallagamated.

                                                                                      Their feed begins.

--Finnegans Wake


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Happy Second Day of the Writing, 2020

"Oftwhile balbulous, mithre ahead, with goodly trowel in grasp and ivoroiled overalls which he habitacularly fondseed, like Haroun Childeric Eggeberth he would caligulate by multiplicables the alltitude and malltitude until he seesaw by neatlight of the liquor wheretwin ’twas born, his roundhead staple of other days to rise in undress maisonry upstanded (joygrantit!), a waalworth of a skyerscape of most eyeful hoyth entowerly, erigenating from next to nothing and celescalating the himals and all, hierarchitectitiptitoploftical, with a burning bush abob off its baubletop and with larrons o’toolers clittering up and tombles a’buckets clottering down."

--Finnegans Wake

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Happy First Day of the Writing, 2020

"He addle liddle phifie Annie ugged the little craythur. Wither hayre in honds tuck up your part

--Finnegans Wake